Women’s Groups 

We have a vibrant women’s ministry. We aim to encourage and empower women to flourish in God’s goodness and purpose. This mainly happens through our midweek women’s Growth Groups – we have two evening groups and one day-time group running for women.  We also have a range of other activities running:

Women’s Fellowship

We also have a Women’s Fellowship group, meeting for friendship, worship and to hear a guest speaker.  Normally meeting on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, 2:15pm, Church Lounge.

Women’s Breakfasts

Our Women’s Breakfasts are chance to catch up with other women from church and to pray together.

Meetings: Fourth Saturday every other month at 9:30am in the Church Lounge (unless otherwise arranged).

Women’s Conference

A large group of women attend the annual Norwich Women’s Conference organised by the Norfolk Gospel Partnership.

Jonathan Carter, 09/11/2018