Women's Groups
We have a vibrant women's ministry. We aim to encourage and empower women to flourish in God’s goodness and purpose. This mainly happens through our midweek women's Growth Groups - we have two evening groups and one day-time group running for women. We also have a range of other activities running:
Women's Fellowship
We also have a Women’s Fellowship group, meeting for friendship, worship and to hear a guest speaker. Normally meeting on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, 2:45pm, Church Lounge.
Women's Breakfasts
Our Women's Breakfasts are chance to catch up with other women from church and to pray together.
Meetings: Fourth Saturday every other month at 9:30am in the Church Lounge (unless otherwise arranged).
Crafters is our monthly women's craft evening, including craft of all kinds, needlework and chatting! Crafters meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7:30pm in a local home.
Weekends Away
We sometimes organise women's weekends away - chance to unwind, listen to a visiting speaker and meet other women.
Jonathan Carter, 09/11/2018